Why is the West eager to incite riots in Iran?

TEHRAN - Iran faced extraordinary unrest last year, while positive developments occurred in the surrounding region. Is this merely a coincidence?
Euronews, a media outlet that aims to offer a European viewpoint on global matters, recently released a report on the unrest in Iran, timed to coincide with the first anniversary of the riots in the country.
On July 28th, Nasrin Parvaz, who identifies herself as a human rights activist, published a report on Euronews. The report is seen as a call to action from Western nations.
Her report was titled “The West turned its gaze away from Iran, but the regime’s cruelties are far from over.” Specific points require further attention in light of this report and others like it. These points will be discussed below.
To address the Euronews writer's concern for protesters in Iran, it may be helpful to consider the experiences of those who have attempted to stage protests in Paris in recent months which were sparked over the death of Nahel Merzouk, who was shot by police. It should be noted that the French government responded to these protests with a significant level of force. However, it is essential to clarify that this report is not intended to delve into the contradictions of the behavior and the rhetoric of the West, which claims to uphold human rights.
Broader perspective is needed to comprehend the last year’s unrest truly
Viewing the last year’s events in Iran from a different perspective is essential to fully comprehend them. These were not simply protests or riots, but a manifestation of the West's larger strategy to confront Iran through a full-scale hybrid war that employs all available means to weaken or overthrow the Iranian government.
The hostile government may resort to direct war if possible or money laundering for proxy wars if unable to do so. It benefits from sanctions, threats, and economic blockades but may also engage in diplomatic efforts to gain an advantage and push back its rival. In all these cases, hostile governments often utilize propaganda tools to support their operations, thus leading to an intense "soft war." This is commonly referred to as hybrid war, and it was the approach used by the West during the events in Iran last year.
The situation in Iran escalated into widespread violence with financial, political, and media support from Western nations. While there have been some previous riots and violence in Iran, the violence in recent riots was unprecedented, and the idea of "justified violence" was spreading. The recent riots targeted religious sanctities and national symbols like the flag, anthem, and territorial integrity. The West officially supported these events under the pretext of promoting democracy in Iran.
The West has often used the issue of human rights as a tool to pressure Iran since the victory of the Islamic Revolution. However, promoting human rights in Iran has never been a top priority for the West. Despite claiming advocacy for democracy, the West has maintained strong ties with Arab states in the Persian Gulf. The primary concern for the West seems to be maximizing their exploitation of West Asia. When Iran's policies align with this goal, the West seems to care less about human rights or the current government in power. However, since Iran has resisted colonization by the West, the benefits for the West in the region are limited, leading to tensions between Iran and the West.
Why were the 2022 riots in Iran so intense?
Last year's events in Iran can be attributed to a deeper understanding of the global situation over the next few years. International relations experts have long warned of imminent critical changes in the world. The Russia-Ukraine war, seen as a preemptive strike, is a significant indicator of the shift in the international order. This shift was further solidified by the changing attitudes of countries formerly aligned with the U.S. towards the East and the evolving relationships between Iran and Arab nations. It is a struggle by non-Western nations to gain a more favorable position globally.
The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) of 2008 changed the situation that emerged at the end of the Cold War, which had established the United States as the sole superpower in the world. Iran, unfortunately, has struggled with weak governance in the past and missed out on opportunities to establish itself as a leading force in the world. For instance, Iran was occupied during World War II and had no say in determining the global power structure that followed. However, present times offer Iran a favorable chance to emerge as a leading regional power.
In recent centuries, Western countries have been striving to prevent the emergence of new regional powers, such as China, India, Brazil, and other peripheral countries. To this end, they are currently engaged in a hybrid war with Iran, which aims to destabilize the country's political system. If violence at home weakens Iran’s political powers, it may be unable to take effective action on the international stage.
Why the West stopped backing the riots in Iran?
A report by Parvaz on Euronews noted that the West has shifted its focus away from Iran. However, it's important to clarify that this doesn't mean the West doesn't want the riots to stop. Instead, the West's inability to offer support forced them to step back. The "woman, life, freedom" movement failed due to a lack of public support, which caught the West off guard and caused them to change approach.
What caused the West’s miscalculation?
The interdependent relationship between Iran's opposition and the West has led to a false perception. The opposition receives political and financial support from the West and serves as an information source for them. This was evident during last year’s riots when MKO leaders were invited to European parliaments to provide insight into the situation. Masih Alinejad, Nazanin Boniadi, and Reza Pahlavi are often mocked in Iran for their lack of political knowledge. However, they have gained traction in the West as sources of information. As the protests in Iran have lost momentum, Western officials have realized that the overthrow of the Islamic Republic is unlikely and have adjusted their approach accordingly.
Although the West has changed its approach, it does not necessarily signify the end of the hybrid war. They continue to weaken Iran without hesitation. While their tactics may vary, their overarching strategy remains to prevent Iran from rising.
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